Sunday, August 29, 2010


Just some bands and artists I like to listen to:
Aj Rafael
Tae Yang
Relient K
Big Bang
Death Cab for Cutie
The Fray
Green Day
Mayday Parade
Stereo Skyline
Super Junior
This Century
Tom Petty

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Start of School Year 2010

Its two weeks until school starts. I've been playing tennis all summer. Tryouts last week and I made jv1, which is great. Hopefully I don't lose my place to challenges, because I'm already second to last in the group. I'm challenging somebody later today.I'm excited for school, no doubt. It's my freshman year.

I've been doing stuff with music all summer, too. It's all been by myself, except for the few times Devin has come over and we've jammed together, but we never get much done. I've tried covering a few songs, which I'm absent-mindedly working on, and I've managed to maintain memory of most of my previous songs. Say that ten times fast. The two songs that I've learned this summer are Pachelbel's Canon and Sonatina in a minor, but I don't remember who that's by. they're fun, even though they're both very classical. I can't wait to get back to taking lessons and focus on some composing and improvisation.

If you're not familiar with the name Van Cliburn, you should look it up. He's my role model for piano, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who looks up to him. He changed the world with his charm and piano skills, and he's from Texas. That's something I could only dream of.

if you read this, thank you, I hope it was worth your while. I'll post again, sometime.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


This is an extremely popular UK band, which sets its genre as British pop. They're really creative musicians with a variety of song styles. Their best songs, in my opinion are in the album Viva La Vida, which is also the name of my my very favorite song by them. There are also the songs "Clocks" and "Amsterdam" in the album A Rush of Blood to the Head, which are excellent too. Try listening to them sometime.

Friday, May 14, 2010

The band

This Wednesday was the talent show! 'The Band' played in their very first show ever! I'm so proud of us. The song was Daylight by Matt and Kim. We got noticed by this talent sponsor that wants us to do some charity music for something in October. Maybe this will go somewhere. We're also planning to play Soul Sister by Train next week for the Theatre class award ceremony. Hopefully I can learn my part in time! Yes, life is fun, I'm busy, and I have music. can anything be better than this?

Current band members:
Devin: Acoustic guitar
Nate: Keyboard
Adrian: Bass guitar
John: keyboard drummer
Nichole Chase: singer

Peace out! I dare you to rock on.

Matt and Kim's "Daylight"

Sunday, April 18, 2010


So don't you just love music? It's, yeah, what my life is all about, what keeps me going each day, what I work for, what I live for, what tells me there's something out there. I will listen to just about every type of music. So I'm not the best at it, never will be, just got a band started which is horrible, but its my start. I'm going to do something, give back to music what it has given me. I'm a musician.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


This is a blog owned by Nathan Richbourg. He may choose to post whatever he wishes on this blog. You are welcome to comment on anything, if you are reading this, or whatever it is that people do on blogspot. Nathan is required to post at least one music related blog on this page sometime in his lifetime or the name will be absolutely obsolete. Nathan must not forget this blog exists.
Nathan is now a thirteen year old boy in the eighth grade, single, and primarily existing for music. His main instrument is piano, he also plays cello, bass, and bagpipes, sometimes plays guitar, didgeridoo, bodhran, and other such instruments. he is scots-korean, plays tennis, and and )uses parenthesis inside-out.( He does enjoy just about every type of music. He lives in Arlington, Texas. He now knows nothing else immediately important to add to this and will amend this constitution in the future should he deem it necessary.

Sounds4Nate -4/17/2010